What do Coco Chanel, Sara Blakely, and Taylor Swift all have in common? Besides being amazingly talented and successful women, I mean?
They all recognized the massive power of their brand and took swift action to protect it early on (pun intended).
💎 Coco Chanel’s famous interlocking C design has stood the test of time as an immediately recognizable symbol of luxury and quality craftsmanship.
💎 Sara Blakely registered the brilliant product name Spanx mere hours after dreaming it up while sitting in Atlanta traffic and now presides over a billion-dollar company.
💎 Taylor Swift has dominated the music industry while also warding off lawsuits from various clothing companies, rival artists, and even a Utah theme park.
When you have dreams of dominating your industry, it only makes sense to do everything you can to protect it. And when you do it right, you can sleep easy at night knowing your brand is buttoned up and secure. Do you think Taylor Swift lost a single minute of sleep when she heard she was being sued by a random amusement park? Not a chance!
I see sooo many entrepreneurs who have great brands (including fabulous product names), but they aren’t protecting themselves, and it makes me really nervous for them.
I’m especially looking at you, podcast hosts & online course creators!!
Here’s the thing, you’ve researched your niche, come up with the best name for your product, course, or podcast, picked out the perfect font and brand colors, and you probably spent some of your hard earned cash working with graphic designers and branding experts.
Now, you have your brand out there in the world ready to attract your dream clients.
But, you might also be attracting folks who want to knock-off your brand or swipe your intellectual property.
Your brand is money in the bank and it needs to be protected.
Federal Trademark Registration is the ultimate, platinum standard you need to make sure your brand is secure.
Not only does it protect all the intellectual property you’ve worked so hard to create, but it massively increases the value of your brand in the eyes of future investors & collab partners.
Plus, how cool will you feel once you can use that magical ® next to your brand name?? At least as cool as John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever.
Sometimes, folks tell me that they plan to wait until they get bigger or have more sales to protect their brand, but actually, the time that you need protection the most is when you are starting out.At the beginning, you are the most vulnerable because you have fewer resources to defend your brand. So it's most important to get this piece handled from the outset.Learn more about all 6 areas of your business that need protecting: in the Peace of Mind Legal Foundations Mini-Workshop, I’ll lead you through a legal self-audit of your business’s current legal protections.Join the ranks of Coco, Sara, and Taylor and protect your brand today!Legally Yours,LaynePS: Not sure where to begin?? Go register for that free training I mentioned! You’ll walk away with the clarity you need to feel cool & calm about all things legal.